Artificial Intelligence – In Its Early Days
The growth of artificial intelligence has been exponential over the last decade. Today, every imaginable service and application is being designed using AI. The goal is to create intelligent machines with human-like capabilities.
AI is already changing society and improving our lives in ways we are only beginning to realize. By 2030, experts predict that AI will impact every sector of life, from healthcare to transportation to law enforcement, and even in real-money internet gambling at This is also accompanied by a growing number of job losses due to automation.
The Inception of AI
In the early 1950s, researchers began to explore new methods of machine learning and computer science. Some even went so far as to call it “thinking computers” or “artificial intelligence,” but no one knew what this actually meant. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to an umbrella term that encompasses many different fields – ranging from deep learning, natural language processing, data mining, robotics, speech recognition, autonomous driving, biometrics, computer vision and more.
Deep Learning
When people think of AI they often picture a ‘robot uprising’ like the one imagined by Isaac Asimov in his stories, but for most of us, AI is still some way away. Instead, the first generation of AI is the result of decades of research into Deep Learning, which is a subset of Machine Learning. For example, facial recognition systems now use Deep Neural Networks (DNN), while Siri uses machine learning algorithms. If you search Google for ‘machine learning applications’ you can see how important Deep Learning has become over recent years. It is at the very heart of almost all AI work and technology today, making AI a core component of almost everything.
The Evolution of AI: AI in its early days
As previously mentioned, the 1950s were the golden age of AI. Researchers had begun to understand that AI was much more than simply creating programs that could do things like play chess. From the late 1990s onwards, researchers developed ever stronger versions of neural networks, a type of network popularly known as “deep learning.” These led to better image classifiers, speech recognizers and other powerful technologies such as Google Translate and self-driving vehicles.
Since then, however, AI has taken off in leaps and bounds. According to Gartner Inc., world spending on AI is expected to grow from US$9.7 billion in 2017 to $46.2 billion by 2030. Even Alphabet Inc.’s Google expects its hardware business unit to generate $1 billion from cloud revenue through the end of 2022. Such figures show just how quickly the industry is evolving. And unlike many previous waves of technology advancement, this time there are already examples of AI’s practical applications. In fact, AI is already impacting business today.
The Future of AI and Its Impact on Business
With rising demand comes greater investment in AI tools. According to TechTarget, global spend on AI tools is forecast to hit nearly $4 billion in 2023, up from $3.5 billion in 2022. More importantly, this trend shows no sign of slowing down. According to analysts at International Data Corporation, global spending on AI software is set to reach $48.6 billion in 2030, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12%.
To take advantage of these developments, companies need to develop the skills and competencies needed to manage them effectively. This means having effective technical leaders with strong communication skills, who know how to make the best use of available resources. An organization needs to ensure that it provides an environment where AI talent can thrive…